
ISSN 2063-5346
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Input Output Simulator for Omron Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): a Model for Instruction

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Johnny Q. Tagupa
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.si7.500


The discovery of electricity was viewed as a stepping stone of the industrial revolution in the modern era. This paved the path to the manufacture of numerous machinery and equipment that change the working speed of industries. It reveals that 7 out of 30 or 23.33% of the student’s pre skill test performance was described as “Satisfactory”. While 23 or 76.67% of the respondents was described as “Needs Improvement”. Likewise, none as described “Very Good” and “Excellent”. The average rating of this group is 1.57 which is described as “Needs Improvement”. Meanwhile, the post skill test got higher results compared to pre skill test, 26 out of 30 or 86.67%of their performance rated “Excellent” and were ranked first in the group. 4 or 13.33% of the respondents was described “Very Good”. The students got a total average rating of 3.60 interpreted as “Excellent”. The computed t-value of -28.3428, is beyond the tabular t-value of ± 2.045 at 0.05 level of significance. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus there is a significant difference in the pre skill test and post skill test, performance of the student. The use of the device as a tool for instruction proves that it has greatly enhanced the student's retention of knowledge and facilitates effective learning acquisition in electrical technology. the researcher concludes that the Input Output Simulator for Omron Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) was effective in imparting knowledge and skill and also the model was able to performed simulation without any error occur. Inputting, debugging, and simulating the program were done to test the programmability of the instructional Model. All tests were functional and corresponded to the command of the researcher.

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