
ISSN 2063-5346
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Insight on Seminar Effectiveness in I MBBS students in a Private Medical College

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Dr Nivedita Sirdesai, Dr Bageshree N Pande, Dr. Rajkumar Sood, Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Dr. Hetal Rathod
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.7.325


The foundation stone of future competent doctors is a strong clinical knowledge which can come only through a student centered teaching approach which calls for multiple variations in traditional teaching methods. To that end, various such variations that range from small group teaching to simulation labs to skill labs. In this study we have tried to evaluate the effectiveness of students’ seminar in teaching learning process. Materials and Methods: A suitable topic was selected for students’ seminar presentation. A multiple choice question pretest was conducted for the students who volunteered. High achievers of the pretest participated and presented a seminar to the faculty and fellow students. Post presentation an anonymous feedback about the students’ seminar was taken from the students attending the seminar and analyzed. Results: In our study, 82.41% students found the seminar interesting, 63.18% opined about seminar being a better way of learning and 64.83% wanted seminar to be a part of routine teaching. 77.47% students would like to have more students’ seminars in the academic year. 69.78% students felt they acquired additional information on the topic and 78.57% felt stimulated to read the topic. 65.38% opined students’ seminars to be continued at higher levels of education too. Conclusion: Students found the seminar interesting, interactive and opined in favour of conducting more students’ seminar in an academic year. Since a group of students present the seminar, it boosts student interaction, brain storming within the group, planning and activity management. Students can assess their understanding of the topic and enhance it even more by presenting it to their peers. Seminar breaks the monotone of didactic lectures and gives opportunity to learn topics with renewed interest. Dissemination of knowledge in the seminar was also carried out in the form of storytelling and skit performance also aided in expressing creativity by the students, building stage courage and confidence, fun learning and better understanding of the concepts in the budding Indian Medical Graduates

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