
ISSN 2063-5346
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Albandare Saleh Rashed, Nouf Ali Oraybi, Abdulaziz Saeed Al Arfaj, Mohammed Abdullah Alsahli, Zainab Hussain Al Obaidi, Ahmed Abid Algethami, Wafa Zaid Ogdi, Alwa Ahmad Jalal, Jubarah Zaid Agdi, Saeed Mohammed Alrogbi
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2023.12.11.82


The use of technology in fall prevention programs with a focus on wearables, sensors, and smart systems has significantly changed how healthcare professionals address fall-related concerns among adults. Wearable devices like smartwatches and activity trackers offer real-time data on factors such as walking patterns, balance, and activity levels. This constant monitoring allows for the detection of changes that may indicate an increased risk of falls, enabling targeted interventions at the right time. Sensors found in wearables and within living spaces provide information on movement habits and environmental conditions, improving the assessment of fall risks. By combining intelligence and machine learning with sensor data, clinicians can better manage risks dynamically and adaptively to deliver interventions. Smart systems that include wearables and sensors take an approach to management. Ongoing monitoring in homes offers a view of activities and potential fall hazards. This integrated method allows healthcare providers to consider both immediate issues and overall contexts contributing to falls, empowering them to intervene before an accident happens. The shift towards care is clear in the technology-driven strategies of fall prevention programs that enable monitoring and timely clinical support. In summary, incorporating technology into fall prevention initiatives has revolutionized how healthcare professionals handle fall-related challenges faced by individuals. Wearable devices, sensors, and intelligent systems offer resources for monitoring and evaluating situations in real time, enabling healthcare providers to take timely action. The proactive and tailored strategy made possible by technology shows potential for improving healthcare and safeguarding the health of individuals.

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