
ISSN 2063-5346
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Learning and reasoning through software, a proposal for the sustainability of higher education and foreign language proficiency in Ecuador

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Gabriela Lisbeth Ruiz Galeano, Deysi Margoth Guanga Chunata, Jorge Armando Zula Cujano, Nanci Margarita Inca Chunata
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1406


The development of computational thinking and the construction of digital citizenship is part of Ecuador's approach to education in digital skills to understand the risks and challenges that life imposes in the digital age, in this way the human being must acquire the capacity to solve problems, design systems and understand human behavior with a variety of mental processes linking active methodologies that allow the teaching-learning process to adapt to digitalization, so this research project aims to implement GeoGebra software in the study of the definite integral for the determination of the incidence in the academic performance of the high school students of the Educational Unit San Francisco, developing under a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design with a sample of 110 students belonging to the third year of high school separated into two groups: 38 control group and 72 as an experimental group. During the diagnostic phase, a survey was applied to the students who estimated that it is important to implement technological tools in the study of the definite integral to motivate, improve the teaching process, develop skills and improve their academic performance, estimating in this way as software To GeoGebra, the same pre test that determined the homogeneity of the groups was also developed; Continuing with the research process during the foundation phase, the operation of the software was investigated as well as the distribution of the contents of the defined integral to design the plans in phase 3 and apply them during the implementation phase, being the second part of the second semester. ; At the end of the implementation for the respective validation, a post test was carried out, obtaining an average of 6.32 for the control group and 7.18 for the experimental group. Using the T Student analysis, a calculated t of 2.09 and a Critical t of 1.98, thus rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative. This is how it is concluded that the implementation of the GeoGebra software in the study of the definite integral has a significant impact on the academic performance of the high school students of the San Francisco Educational Unit.

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