
ISSN 2063-5346
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Methods for Teaching General English and Teaching English for Specific Purposes: For Developing Critical Reading Skills

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1Dr. Sabitha Kumari Francis, 2Srinivas Rao. M, 3K. Balraj, 4Satiyamoorthy,
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.1.519


The main aim of the paper is to focus on that between the general reading and specific reading, there is an academic reading which will set the things to comprehend specific assignments with critical skills. The significance of the study is this procedure can’t be adopted in overnight. It has to be nurtured from childhood to think critically. And the research method is taking the sample of the class which the researcher taught them for seventy classes. The main finding of the study is in spite of a lot of encouragement and motivation, the corona batch students, still lag behind in the areas of innovative thinking; academic study; extensive reading; and lateral thinking. The findings of the study reveal that there is an urgent need to engage students in practical work. When they don’t want to study, they are to be involved in practical work (creating proto types) where they have to read, observe, concentrate, notice the results, and evaluate which will all lead to creativity and innovation

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