
ISSN 2063-5346
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Model of Integrity and Student Independence at the University

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Ahmad Qurtubi1, Titi Mumfangati2, SitiUswatunKasanah3,Muhammad Haris4
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.66


The purpose of this study was to identify the profile of integrity and on their independent learning. By identifying the profiles of the integrity of students and their effects on independent learning, this research is expected to provide useful information for universities institutions and the general public in improving the quality of education and the ability to learn independently. This research used a quantitative research design. The study population was students who were active when the research was conducted. Samples taken using simple random sampling techniques. A total of 193 students became the investigation sample which was determined by simple random sampling technique. The data collection instrument that can be used is a questionnaire. Descriptive statistical techniques used to explain the profile of integrity and learning independence of students. Inferential statistical techniques with regression used for determine the effect of integrity on learning independence of students. The findings of this research indicated that: (1) The integrity profile of university students fell within the moderate category, accounting for 32.64%, (2) The profile of student learning independence at universities was categorized as high, comprising 29.11%, (3) There was no significant impact of integrity on student learning independence

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