
ISSN 2063-5346
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Mountain School Teachers on MTB – MLE Program: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Inquiry

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Mariquita L. Boligol, Maria Angelie B. Longakit, Leny Ardiente Pacaldo, Lloyd Matthew C. Derasin
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.177


The study focused on the Lived experiences of teachers in Mountain Barangay in implementing the MTB – MLE program. The study utilized the qualitative method using hermeneutic phenomenology to gather honest-to-goodness feedback on the program implementation of MTB-MLE direct from its implementers - the teachers themselves based on their lived experiences. This will also validate if the MTB-MLE program is still worth keeping or not anymore. The study informants were selected through a purposive-conducive type of sampling, and data gathering was done through one-on-one interviews. Based on the general findings of the study, it can be inferred that the informants find MTB (Sinugbuanong Bisaya) effective as a medium of instruction for lower-grade, Bisaya-speaking pupils residing in mountain barangays. However, they find it irrelevant and a burden as a subject because of the inadequacies and inconsistencies of the MTB-MLE program implementation in schools as manifested in their struggles being unequipped regarding skills training in teaching the mother tongue and quality and reliable learning resources. These MTB-MLE challenges faced by the teachers have resulted in poor learning outcomes for their pupils, specifically when it comes to their literacy and numeracy skills, and yet they have also realized that out of these difficulties, they were able to tap their resourcefulness and innovativeness as teachers and they were able to discover effective teaching strategies and approaches.

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