
ISSN 2063-5346
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Ninorte Samarnon Proverbs: Retrieval and Translation into English

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Maria Alfe Gordo-Banawis, DALL
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2022.11.12.007


This study focused on the ethnolinguistic exploration of proverbs in the province of Northern Samar focusing in the Capul and Gamay communities. The aim was to categorize and analyze the proverbs of the Inabaknon and Gamaynon people based on various factors such as their subject matter, form, style, and the cultural elements they reflect. The study collected and examined a total of 160 proverbs, which were then classified into different categories including attitudes toward life, ethical principles, values, general observations, humor, and miscellaneous topics. The structure of the proverbs was found to be in the form of prose statements arranged in couplets, lacking both rhyme and meter in both the original language and their English translations. Figurative language played a significant role in these proverbs, with the use of conditional constructions, analogies, similes, metaphors, hyperboles, contrasts, comparisons, and parallelism. The proverbs served various functions, such as offering advice, setting boundaries, regulating behavior, and providing a sense of balance. In terms of extra-linguistic features, hand gestures and facial expressions were observed to emphasize the wisdom and spirit conveyed by the proverbs. The study revealed that the dominant worldview reflected in the proverbs is one of religious devotion and spirituality among the Capul and Gamay communities. The translation techniques employed included free and word-for-word translations, as well as functional and descriptive equivalents and paraphrasing, in order to capture the essence and meaning of the original proverbs in English.

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