
ISSN 2063-5346
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Nutritional and Chemical Characteristics of Zambo Seed (Cucúrbita Ficifolia) for Use in Obtaining Vegetable Oil. A Review

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Jácome Pilco Carlos Rodrigo1; Cajo Araña Nelson Fredy2; León Peñafiel Jhon Fabian3; García Muñoz Iván Marcelo4
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.7.08


The present work corresponds to a bibliographic research regarding the nutritional and chemical characteristics of the sambo seed (Cucúrbita Ficifolia), where it is assumed as a problem the lack of knowledge by the general population regarding the benefits that this product presents in food and medicine. The nutritional value presented by the sambo seed, usually oval, is through carbohydrates, healthy fats, proteins and fiber where the seeds are the most important product for its high oil content of 39% and 44% in protein; the benefits of consuming these seeds are health care, helps treat anti-inflammatory and antioxidant diseases, diabetes, obesity, hypertension. Zambo seeds have chemical and nutritional properties which are intended to be used responsibly in the manufacture of vegetable oil, contributing to health care with this product. These physicochemical properties are omega 3 and 6, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and E, B complex, magnesium, calcium, iron. Vegetable oil is obtained through 2 methods, the first one is the mechanical extraction that consists of breaking the cell walls of the seed and the second one is the chemical extraction where ethanol, ethyl ether, hexane and isopropanol are used directly from the oleaginous seed where its main component is the triglyceride; it is very important the treatment that the seed receives from the harvesting of the fruit to the industrial process to have a quality product.

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