
ISSN 2063-5346
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Bablu Kr Sah (Ba English Hons)1*, Bavneet Kaur (Ba English Hons)2 , Nadreen Omer Abdalla Edres (Ba English Hons)3 , Chahat (Ba English Hons)4 , Dr. Guddu5
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5a.0183


Overpopulation is a critical issue that poses significant challenges to the sustainable development of India. With an estimated population of over 1.3 billion people, the country faces immense pressure to provide its citizens with basic living necessities, and energy. The growth rate is driven by multiple factors, including high birth rates, low mortality rates, and low effectiveness of family planning programs. Despite India's efforts to implement effective family planning programs, many families in rural areas still prefer having large families, which has contributed to the country's population explosion. The consequences of overpopulation are widespread and far-reaching, and they have serious implications for India's future. Food shortage stands out as one of the major obstacles confronting the nation. With a growing population, the demand for food has increased rapidly, leading to reduced crop yields and food shortages in many parts of the country. It resulted in malnutrition and starvation, particularly among the rural poor. Water shortages are another major problem that has resulted from overpopulation. With an increasing water demand, many parts of the country are experiencing severe water scarcity, leading to widespread drought and related issues. Overpopulation has also led to pollution and environmental degradation, which are India’s major challenges. The country's rapid development has raised pollution levels in the air and water, making it difficult for people to breathe clean air or drink clean water. This has contributed to various health problems, including respiratory diseases, skin diseases, and cancer. Furthermore, overpopulation has resulted in poverty and unemployment, which are significant challenges that India needs to overcome. As the birth rate continues to increase, the number of job opportunities is not keeping pace, resulting in a growing unemployment rate. This has contributed to an increase in poverty levels, people are finding it hard to meet their fundamental requirements like food due to financial constraints, shelter, and healthcare. Given the scale and complexity of the problem, the study calls for urgent action by policymakers and stakeholders to address the issue of overpopulation in India. Effective measures are taken such as encouraging the use of contraceptive methods, improving access to education and healthcare, encouraging sustainable development practices, assisting in decreasing the population growth rate, and enhancing the situation can be aided by the country's overall well-being. By prioritizing these measures, India can take significant steps toward achieving sustainable development and ensuring a better future for its citizens.

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