
ISSN 2063-5346
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Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Treatment of Nephrolithiasis

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Muhammad Mansour Elhefnawy, Abdellatif Mohamed Abdellatif Zayed, Maged Mohammed Ali, Mahmoud Mohamed Malek
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2023.12.Si12.316


Background: Nephrolithiasis is the term employed for kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, and they are crystal concretions formed typically in the kidney. Calculi typically form in the kidneys and ideally leave the body via the urethra without pain. Larger stones are painful and may need surgical intervention. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) is the procedure of choice for large renal stones. Since its introduction in 1976, many aspects of the operative technique and the endoscopic equipments have had constant evolution, increasing the success rates of the procedure. We performed a literature search using Entrez Pubmed from January 2000 to July 2007 concerning PNL and many aspects related to all steps of the procedure. We could verify that PNL in supine position has been proved as an acceptable option, but more worldwide experience is necessary. Urologists must be trained to gain their own renal tract access. Minipercutaneous PNL still needs equipments improvements for better results. Tubeless PNL is increasing in popularity and different tract sealants have been studied. Medical prevention is proved to be effective against stone recurrence and should be always used after PNL.

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