
ISSN 2063-5346
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Turki Ali Hassan Alshehri, Ahmed Yahya Ali Almalki, Abdullah Mohammed Alqarni, Ahmed Ali Jaber Asiri, Abdullah Saleh Alkharsh, Mosa Ali Asiri
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2022.11.5.044


Background: The evolving healthcare landscape, catalyzed by the Affordable Care Act in 2010, has expanded the roles of community pharmacists, leading to an increased workload and challenges in balancing traditional dispensing duties with clinical services. Pharmacy technicians have historically supported pharmacists in dispensing activities, but there is a growing need to leverage their capabilities in broader clinical roles. The integration of pharmacy technicians as pharmacist extenders presents opportunities to enhance patient care, operational efficiency, and revenue generation in community pharmacies. Objective: This study aims to assess the current involvement of pharmacist technicians in community health screenings, evaluate their impact on overall health outcomes, explore perceptions of stakeholders, and identify best practices for integrating them into screening programs effectively. Conclusion: Pharmacy technicians play a vital role in community health screenings by assisting pharmacists in preparing medications, conducting health assessments, and organizing screenings. Despite concerns about safety and role ambiguity, technicians can contribute significantly to public health initiatives. Novel duties, such as point of care testing and patient information gathering, showcase their potential to enhance patient care and expand pharmacist reach, especially in underserved areas. The participation of pharmacy technicians in screening programs can lead to early detection, improved patient education, and better health outcomes for the community at large.

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