
ISSN 2063-5346
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Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial properties of Rhizophora species: A Review

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Dr Sushil B Kapoor Dr Ashish Lambat Dr Nitu S Gupta
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1778


Rhizophora are a type of plant that are vital in the marine ecosystem and may be found along the coasts of many different countries. Rhizophora are an important part of the pharmaceutical industry because of the abundance of several kinds of phytochemicals they contain. Only 5% of the world's forested land is covered by rhizophora forests, which are home to salt-tolerant vegetation confined to coastal areas. Extremely few plant species are adapted to these conditions, which include a highly variable tidal and salty regime. However, coastal communities benefit economically and ecologically from these plants. Many rhizophora species have been employed in folk medicine, and others have limited utility as insecticides and pesticides. Rhizophora produce a vast variety of natural chemicals with unusual bioactivity, making them biochemically distinct. Rhizophora contain a wide variety of chemical groups represented by their active metabolites, including alkaloids, phenols, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, etc. This article summarizes recent research on the antimicrobial, and phytochemicals identified from rhizophora and their associates.

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