
ISSN 2063-5346
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Plastic degrading bacteria- a review

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Arti patel , Praveen Verma Abhijeeta Nandha , Suchitra Kumari Panigrahy
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.299


Plastic has become an integral part of human life.It has main role in all kind of packagingof food materials and many other,plastic is made up from monomers and oligomers, and has the best durability, high quality and inexpensiveness among all the synthetic materials. This material is used widely all across the world, Plastic isoneofthemajor causesof environmental contaminationthattakesthousandsofyearstodegrade. There is no subtle way to degrade the plastics that’s why plastics are causing major population globally even though we have other methods for plastic degradation, they all are less effective. But there are some microorganisms like- bacteria, fungi present in this environment, that has ability to degrade polymers by the process of biodegradation

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