
ISSN 2063-5346
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Platelet rich fibrin–A Healing biomaterial

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Dr. Dheeraj shetty , Dr Rini Gopal Aroli Veetil
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si8.483


The development of bioactive surgical additives, which are being used to regulate the inflammation and increase the speed of healing process, is one of the great challenges in clinical research. In this sense, healing is a complex process, which involves cellular organization, chemical signals, and the extracellular matrix for tissue repair.1,2 The understanding of healing process is still incomplete, but it is well known that platelets play an important role in both hemostasis and wound healing processes.3 Platelets’ regenerative potential was introduced in the 70’s, when it was observed that they contain growth factors that are responsible for increase collagen production, cell mitosis, blood vessels growth, recruitment of other cells that migrate to the site of injury, and cell differentiation induction, among others. 4,5

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