
ISSN 2063-5346
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Post-acne erythema; Pathogenesis, presentation, and Treatment

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Amany Abdelrahman Nassar, Dina Mohamed Khamis El-Sayed*,Shrook Abd Elshafy Khashaba
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.1.489


Post-acne erythema (PAE), also referred to as Post-inflammatory erythema (PIE), is defined as lesions consisting of telangiectatic and erythematous macules, which occur as a result of skin inflammation. The occurrence of post acne erythema follows wound healing-related microvascular dilatory changes in microcapillary plexus in the very superficial dermis which are detectable by the naked eye as general redness. In addition, thinner epidermis is still in the process of maturation after repair, allowing more incident light to be reflected off the dilated microvasculature, which adds to the perceived “redness.” This is more evident in patients receiving isotretinoin. Many patients suffering from acne not only have the after effects of scarring, but also have post inflammatory dyspigmentation. In darker skin phototypes, this dyspigmentation often presents as hyperpigmentation. However, in patients with lighter skin types (I-III), it presents instead as discrete erythematous macules. Acne may not be the only cause of post inflammatory erythema, as any resolving cutaneous inflammatory process may also cause a residual erythema. Different treatment modalities including topical and interventional treatments have been used for PAE

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