
ISSN 2063-5346
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Assesment of Wound Healing Activity of Polyherbal Formulation in Wister Rats

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Praveen Nasa , Hitesh Kumar , Pinki Phougat and Neha Sharma
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si6.666


Finding new antimicrobials from alternative sources, such as plants, has become necessary due to the current situation in which various antibiotic resistances has emerged in human pathogenic organisms. It is anticipated that plant extracts will be helpful against drug-resistant microbial infections because they have targets different from those that antibiotics use.The goal of the current study was to prepare a polyherbal formulation using Ocimum sanctum extract, Citrus Limon peel extract, Aloe vera gel powder, and Honey, as well as to assess its effects as an antioxidant and wound healer. The pH, Spreadability, Skin Irritation Study, Viscosity, Stability, and wound Healing Activity of the Prepared Ointment Formulations of different concentration were tested. The developed polyherbal formulation's ability to promote wound healing was tested using the wound contraction, antioxidant markers and histopathology of healed skin as the evaluation criteria.

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