
ISSN 2063-5346
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Prevalence of Body Modifying Concepts and Awareness of Complications among Young Adults

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Dr. Narasimha. G, Dr. Urvashi A. Shetty, Prof (Dr). Sreelatha S.V.
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.9.214


The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of body-modifying concepts and awareness of complications among young adults. Background: Body modification involves permanent alteration of the human body, including body piercing and tattoos. The FDA advises caution when using body modification, as it may cause adverse reactions and infections. The FDA encourages consumers to use caution when undergoing body modification, as it is an intentional and potentially harmful practice. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive correlational study primarily designed to gather information and discern relationships, if any, between selected variables. Data were collected among the young adults through google forms. The prevalence of the questionnaire was assessed using frequency and percentage distribution. Results: The tattoo prevalence among young adults is 72%, with arms having a higher prevalence rate of 48%. 62% of the participants have expressed their interest in getting body modifications in the future. Piercing was common among 55% of young adults, with the nose, belly, face, and eyebrows being the most common sites. The 21-30 age group had a higher piercing rate 43%. Almost 46% of young adults had their tattoos from licensed professionals. The major reason for tattoos was fashion and aesthetics. Most young adults were unaware of the associated risk factors and sterilization methods involved in tattooing. Parlors were preferred for tattoos among young adults. 46% of young adults were aware of infection risks associated with tattoos and piercings. Sixty-six percent of people had tattoos without complications, and 97% believed that people with body piercings were not criminals and treated them equally. Conclusion: Young adults often engage in body modifications to enhance their appearance and fashion sense, often without consulting their families. However, they are unaware of the potential risks and hazards associated with body modifications

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