
ISSN 2063-5346
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Madhavi Mahajan1 , Ritaja Nitin Sathe2*, Satyam3
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.Si8.576


Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is the most common and only microvascular complication of DM which lacks a specific disease modifying treatment. In Ayurveda, some typical neuropathic symptoms are mentioned under Poorvaroopa (prodrome) and Upadrava(complications) of Prameha (diabetes). It is also described under various Vata Vyadhi including Raktagata vata, twakgata vata and Avritta vata. The American Diabetes Association(ADA) recommends diet and exercise as first-line prevention for Diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Various drugs, diet and lifestyle interventions mentioned under Prameha adhikara were from Ayurvedic classics and contemporary modern literature were explored with a thought that the same might be helpful in preventing diabetic neuropathy. It was found that most of the drugs and food products possess anti-diabetic, antioxidant, neuroprotective activities. Various exercises were also found to be beneficial in diabetic neuropathy. Thus, it could be concluded that the treatment regimen mentioned under Prameha adhikara may be implemented as a part of preventive medicine for patients suffering from diabetes.

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