
ISSN 2063-5346
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Protecting Children In India From Hazardous Chinese Toys

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Dr. Deepa , Dr. Pooja Roshani ,Ms. Punjika Rathi , Ms. Arunima Mishra
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.359


From being a child to an adult, toys are a crucial part in developing one's sense of self. Toys made in China are practically universally in the possession of Indian children and their parents, just like other goods. These Chinese toys are readily available in the Indian market, very appealing, and reasonably priced. There have also been concerns about the safety of toys with Toys may be regarded as the most important plaything by young children, adolescents, and occasionally adults. Toys also present a number of risks, including radioactivity, flammability, hygiene, and chemical, physical, and mechanical risks. Warnings and restrictions on toys are crucial since kids have not yet developed the ability to differentiate between safe and dangerous, and parents often fail to consider all potential outcomes. Every country has its own laws regarding the safety of toys. However, most of countries now attempt to harmonize their policies because of globalization and the opening of markets. Most parents occasionally disregard safety laws in favor of the appeal and cost of the items. This encourages people to turn to Chinese toys, which are inexpensive and highly appealing. The current study, "Protecting Children In India From Hazardous Chinese Toys" is an attempt to draw attention to the myriad problems with Chinese toys being sold in the Indian market from the perspective of Indian parents. Additionally, it examines the effect Chinese toys have on Indian consumers of toys.

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