
ISSN 2063-5346
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Reflection of Difficult Relationship in Difficult Daughters

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» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.232


The article evaluates the difficult relations among characters of Difficult Daughters by Manju Kapur (1998). This is the story of a real, middle-class family with fathers, mothers and siblings that one has seen and lived with. Manju Kapur has depicted the delicate and complicated relations among family members, especially among the women of the family. Her female characters rebel against patriarchal society and attempt to stand on their own. This novel projects images of dysfunctional families in society. In this patriarchal society where women are considered inferior, and senior women hold matriarchal sentiments for the young women of the family, she feels that what she has faced is the rule of life, and so she restrains their daughter’s dreams and desires for the sake of family honour in society. This novel portrayed how a girl is deceived by her lover, and their conjugal relationship with each other becomes delicate and even breaks. The author picturizes a relationship between husband and wife which is ruined by the male character’s deception and selfishness, as well as the pursuit of money and power

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