
ISSN 2063-5346
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P.Alli , Dr. J. Dinesh Peter , C.B.Selva Lakshmi , Harini K K
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.105


E-Commerce Agricultural websites provide an interaction between farmers and customers. However, many of these websites are not designed to be accessible on mobile devices, which can limit their effectiveness in reaching a broad audience. In this paper, we present a responsive web design for e-commerce agricultural websites, which allows interaction across a range of devices and screen sizes.It allow customers to shop for products from the comfort of their own homes, without having to physically visit a store. This can be particularly useful for customers who live in remote or rural areas. Chatbots are used to provide customers with quick and convenient customer support, personalized recommendations, help in resolving customer issues, and learning about products and services.Chatbot is developed to help farmers to get to know about the crop that suits their environment and provide various agriculture-related details. It also helps the farmers get to know about current weather details. With the growing technology and internet services the information related to the government agricultural schemes are now available on internet which are provided by the chatbot. And crops are also recommended according to the weather by chatbot. So, the motivation of this paper is to provide the farmers of our country with easy to use website for their benefit so that they can get all the information related to agriculture.

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