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Review on standardization of Sattva Bala Pariksha in Chittodvega w.s.r. Generalized Anxiety Disorders

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Dr Sanjay dhankar, Dr Manmahendra Singh, Dr.Prayasha Rohilla
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1553


In Ayurvedic treatises, Chittodvega (Anxiety) is not mentioned as a separate illness, it is known as Manodvega or Gadodvega in contemporary Ayurvedic texts and is correlated to anxiety. Sattvavajaya therapy depends on the examination of mental status, the measures which are mentioned by Acharya charak these are dhii, dharti and the samadhi etc. Aim and Objective: To review on standardization of Sattva Bala Pariksha in Chittodvega w.s.r. Generalized Anxiety Disorders. Materials and Methods: Relevant Ayurvedic literature, modern texts as well as the data bases search engines, journal, were used to searched and presented in an organized manner. Result: Sattvavajaya Chikitsa is to restrain mind from desires for unwholesome objects is through Jnana (Knowledge) Vijnana (Professional analytical knowledge) Dhairya (confidence) Smriti (Scriptual wisdom) and Samadhi (concentration) Mental disorder caused by Shoka, Bhaya, Krodha etc should be countered by inducing the opposite emotions in order to neutralize the causative factors. Conclusion: Chittodvega can be correlated with the general anxiety disorder in modern science. Ayurvedic management as a safe and effective procedure for chittodvega

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