
ISSN 2063-5346
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R. Nithiya, Dr.G.S.Subashini
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.792


Presenteeism is the practise of showing up for work while unwell. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with presenteeism as well as the factors that promote it as a developing health concern. Presenteeism is correlated with a variety of contextual and personal characteristics. Workers in other industries, like the healthcare industry, seem to be more vulnerable. Presenteeism should be regarded as a risk-taking behaviour and carefully assessed and regulated, according to the developing understanding of the costs of it, especially in safety-critical workplaces. More precise data on employee health will be provided by measuring both presenteeism and absenteeism. It is essential to increase knowledge of the dangers of working while sick as well as the pressures that employers, employers' families, and society place on workers to do so. Based on scientific findings, presenteeism management requires systemic measures.Employees that are sick presenteeism continue to work despite being ill. It is critical to determine the prevalence of presenteeism and its effects on wellbeing and productivity across a range of occupational groups because presenteeism is influenced by contextual and individual differences factors.

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