
ISSN 2063-5346
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Significance of the digital context in the new post-COVID university teaching role

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Edgar L. Martínez-Huamán, Diego E. Peralta-Guevara, Aníbal Bellido Miranda, Rosario Villar-Cortez, Cecilia Edith García Rivas Plata
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.464


The introduction of new technological tools in learning processes has configured a new teaching scenario in academic spaces at the university. The aim of this study was to reveal the significance of the digital context in the new university teaching role in post-COVID time. The research had a qualitative approach through the interpretive phenomenological method and the technique used was the semi-structured interview applied to professors in engineering programs from Peruvian universities. The methodological procedure was the organization of data through content analysis, emerging validated categories through triangulation process, reflecting the phenomenological reduction. The results showed five categories which were: accelerated evolution of the teaching function, technological impact on new teaching role, new learning scenarios, transition of educational paradigms and adaptable educational systems. So, it is concluded that educational systems are adaptable in the transition of educational paradigms where the professor showed the effectiveness of learning solutions with expeditious interventions and interactions to facilitate distance learning in a digital context where the pandemic has modified the new teaching role.

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