
ISSN 2063-5346
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Social Media Platforms and Cyber Crimes: An Entangled Relationship

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Priyanka Mittal
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.486


Today, the internet1 has ingrained itself into our daily lives to the point where it is difficult to imagine existence without it. Because of the development of technology, digital media has emerged as an important part of person lives, the rapid use of mobile information, and social media, that offer venues for simple connection with people all over the world. While technology provides numerous benefits, it also provides risks to humans. Digital media has turned into a refuge for criminals since it has increased the number of offences committed online. There is no longer anyone who is not amazed by the benefits of the internet, and the important digital media platform is accessible to everyone. The main factors contributing to social media's appeal are its privacy and the development of a real environment where people may interact, swap pictures, meet people, enjoy games, become infatuated, have arguments etc, before ever having met in person. However, it is now common place for thieves to improperly use a victim's name, address, location, and other personal information, especially in cases involving women. Cyber crime has increased among person of all age group and is now a worldwide issue due to the confidentiality and fakeness present in social media as well as jurisdictional concerns. The impact of digital media on young people and the causes of the rise in cybercrime on social media are described and discussed in the paper. The study also examine the role of the law in resolving and preventing cybercrime via social media and covers the typical types of cybercrime that occur there. The study also suggests several measures for adequately and comprehensively educating the nation's youth concerning the effects of cybercriminals

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