
ISSN 2063-5346
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Statistical Comparison of durability aspects of Geopolymer Concrete and Cement Concrete using ANOVA Analysis

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Akshay Dhawan, Nakul Gupta, Rajesh Goya
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.si6.269


Geopolymer, a folio which can go about as an option in contrast to Portland concrete. The characteristics of substantial utilizing geopolymer based on fly ash as the fastener were displayed in late investigations. Nonetheless, the majority of the past investigations zeroed in on the characteristics of geopolymer substantial examples relieved at higher temperature. In this review, geopolymer concrete based on fly ash reasonable for restoring was planned at surrounding temperature. Two unique blends (series A and B) with 39% and 36% antacid activating agent and GGFS in various FA extents has been utilized for substantial examples of geopolymer using a Single Factor analysis of Variance ANOVA. 6 GC (4 combinations for series A and 2 for B) and 2 substantial blends of Ordinary Portland Cement were ready in research facility to concentrate on the characteristics of geopolymer concrete. The mechanical characteristics of the substantial were researched by flexural strength, rigidity and compressive strength. The researched sturdiness characteristics were the sorptivity, impacts of the openness of various forceful conditions, drying shrinkage and volume of penetrable voids (VPV) for example, sodium sulphate arrangement, drying and elective wetting in salty water climate. The compressive strength of geopolymer concrete at 28 days fluctuated from 25.6 to 28.2 MPa. A definitive strength of slag mixed geopolymer cements based on fly ash came to up to 31.9 MPa. The geopolymer cements displayed sorptivity, VPV esteems and drying shrinkage practically identical to the comparable compressive strength of OPC cement. Also, the slag mixed geopolymer concrete based on fly ash showed an incredible protection from sulphate assault and substitute wetting and drying impact. The protection from forceful climate expanded with the expansion of slag content in the blends. There was not any indication of break or any huge mass difference of the geopolymer substantial examples later openness to the forceful climate. The geopolymer substantial examples showed low extensions in sulphate arrangement.

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