
ISSN 2063-5346
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Frans Lumuindong , Lis M Yapanto
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.4.253


Arsenic has various colors according to its shape, namely arsenic trioxide (As2O3) which is white and gray, but this form is rare. Cadmium is a heavy metal that is silvery white in color. Cadmium is often used in the metal plating industry, and is the end result in the ore processing industry. Cadmium has a bad effect on the environment and humans, because it can cause breast cancer, respiratory problems, kidney failure and death. Cases that occur in the world, namely the case of arsenic pollution in Bangladesh, cadmium pollution, namely itai-itai disease that occurred in Japan. Regulations and laws have regulated a lot regarding the prevention and handling of heavy metals by the industry, namely PP no. 18 of 1999 juncto PP no. 85 of 1999 concerning hazardous waste, and PP no. 74 of 2001 concerning hazardous and toxic materials also regulates waste that can damage the environment. The various impacts above underlie the writing of this literature. This writing was made based on various journals, articles both national and international related to the heavy metals arsenic and cadmium. So that people are able to recognize the types of heavy metals and the impact they will have on the environment and themselves. In the end, the community can manage the presence of waste properly and protect the environment from unwanted impacts. articles both nationally and internationally related to the heavy metals arsenic and cadmium. So that people are able to recognize the types of heavy metals and the impact they will have on the environment and themselves. In the end, the community can manage the presence of waste properly and protect the environment from unwanted impacts. articles both nationally and internationally related to the heavy metals arsenic and cadmium. So that people are able to recognize the types of heavy metals and the impact they will have on the environment and themselves. In the end, the community can manage the presence of waste properly and protect the environment from unwanted impacts.

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