
ISSN 2063-5346
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Study of clinical profile, immediate and short-term outcome of patients with intermediate risk acute pulmonary thromboembolism

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Dr. Attarde Viren Bhaskar,Dr. Gayathri Devi B.U, Dr Sunil Shamrao Bade
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.1.089


Acute pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is a relatively common and potentially fatal disease with an annual incidence rate of about 104–183 per 100,000 person‑ years and 30‑ day mortality of around 10%. Present study was aimed to study clinical profile, immediate and short term outcome of patients with intermediate risk acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Material and Methods: Present study was retrospective, descriptive study, conducted patients of either gender, admitted with acute intermediate-risk PTE confirmed, with CTPA & echocardiography. Results: In present study, 57 patients with study criteria were included. Majority were male (78.95 %),from age group of 60-69 years (47.37 %) & 50-59 years (26.32 %) age group. In present study, commonly observed symptoms and signs were dyspnoea (75.44 %), chest pain 42.11 %), cough (33.33 %). Common risk factors were cardiovascular (38.6 %), smoker (36.84 %), diabetes (35.09 %), immobilization (22.81 %), surgery (< 3 months) (14.04 %), malignancy (14.04 %). Chest x‑ ray findings were consolidation (12.28 %), pleural effusion (10.53 %), consolidation and pleural effusion (3.51 %) & normal findings (71.93 %). While common echocardiography findings were pulmonary artery hypertension (71.93 %), RA/RV dysfunction (61.4 %), Thrombus within the heart (5.26 %) & normal ECHO (5.79 %). Patients received treatment of pulmonary embolism as combination of warfarin (68.42 %), low-molecular-weight heparins (38.6 %), unfractionated heparin (36.84 %), thrombolytic therapy (22.81 %), elastic compression bandage (12.28 %) & new oral anticoagulants (8.77 %). During study period mortality at 3 months follow up was noted among 6 patients (10.53 %). Conclusion: Patients with intermediate risk PE had a moderate risk of mortality, when received early recognision, laboratory/radiological investigations & aggressive therapy

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