
ISSN 2063-5346
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Study on Behavioral Finance and Investment Avenue Selection by Salaried Women Investors in Rayalaseema

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R. Nagaveni, Dr.B.C. Lakshmanna, Prof.M.L.S.Deva kumar
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.7.342


A country's economic growth is reliant on many factors, including its political and legal systems, but financial literacy is among the most crucial. The economic growth of a nation is greatly aided by the contributions of its female citizens. Since women make up half of India's population, they're crucial to the country's progress financially. Literacy is the key to a woman's economic independence. In order to raise women's social standing and self-sufficiency, education is crucial. This research examines the effect of several socio-demographic characteristics on women's financial literacy in Andhra Pradesh's Rayalaseema districts. According to proponents, entrepreneurship is crucial to a country's ability to create jobs, correct economic imbalances, and advance economically. Now is the moment for "women driven development," which means not merely empowering women. Women business owners have a significant role in today's society, one that is crucial to the continued growth of the global economy and the advancement of women and society. Despite women's prominent roles in Indian culture, their entrepreneurial potential is underutilised because of their traditionally inferior social standing. Our article's goal is to help readers get a feel for the difficulties women in this nation endure by providing a snapshot of the experiences of a few remarkable ladies who surmounted adversity to build thriving businesses. From this study, we may draw some conclusions and provide some suggestions for encouraging women to take up company ownership.

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