
ISSN 2063-5346
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Surgical Drains for Wound Healing After Gynecological Surgeries

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Mohamed A. Wasfy, Fatma Ramadan Emohamed Omar, Khalid Fathy Helal, Tarek Mohamed El-Behiedy
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.1.462


Wound complications lead to extended stays in hospital, worse quality of life, and increased treatment costs. In gynecological cancer, wound complications have been shown to be associated with increased readmission rates and postoperative mortality, and delays in chemotherapeutic treatment after abdominal surgery .Because the risk for wound complications, many techniques have been investigated to reduce these complications. Reduction in operative time, use of perioperative prophylactic antibiotics, irrigation of the operative site, adequate hemostasis, avoidance of dead space, and meticulous surgical technique have been shown to help reduce the risk for postoperative wound complications . The premise behind these techniques is to reduce the presence of bacteria and decrease the amount of subcutaneous tissue dead space

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