
ISSN 2063-5346
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Synopsis of the toxicological effects of cigarette smoking on male fertility in humans-A Narrative Review

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Savita Bansal , Nandini Gupta , Urvi Vashistha , Ramya Shanta, Nitik Baisoya Prachi Saffar Aneja
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1567


Numerous studies have revealed that sperm parameters, seminal plasma, and a number of other reproductive markers are all adversely impacted by cigarette smoking. However, it is unclear how smoking actually affects male fertility. The relationship between smoking and the characteristics of semen is based on the biological fact that smoking increases the presence of reactive oxygen species, leading to oxidative stress (OS). Smoking adversely affects fertility by drastically lowering sperm count and normal sperm morphology. Oxidative stress brought on by smoking has a negative impact on semen parameters. Although the majority of male smokers are still fertile, they are more likely to have infertility or subfertility due to the amount of action of reproductive hormones. Only a small number of studies found insignificant variations in semen parameters between smokers and non-smokers.In addition to analysing the effect of tobacco consumption in non-smoking modes on male infertility, this analysis clarifies the debatable link between smoking and male fertility. Additionally, it addresses the genetic and epigenetic evidence that ties smoking to male infertility and analyses its clinical ramifications. According to this analysis of published articles, males with poor semen quality can still benefit from quitting.

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