
ISSN 2063-5346
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Technology and Social Isolation: Exploring the Paradox of Connectivity

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Dr. Navneet Saini
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2022.11.9.31


In an era dominated by technological advancements and unprecedented connectivity, the relationship between technology and social isolation has become a topic of paramount importance. This paper delves into the paradoxical nature of connectivity in the digital age, examining how the very technologies designed to bring people closer together may inadvertently contribute to feelings of social isolation. The study employs a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on insights from psychology, sociology, and communication studies to analyse the intricate interplay between technology use and social connectedness. The paper begins by reviewing existing literature on the impact of technology on social relationships, highlighting both positive and negative aspects. It then explores the psychological mechanisms underlying the paradox of connectivity, investigating how excessive screen time, online interactions, and social media engagement can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, the role of technology in altering traditional modes of communication and community building is scrutinized. The research incorporates empirical evidence from surveys and case studies to provide a nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics at play. By examining real-life scenarios and experiences, the paper aims to offer practical insights into mitigating the negative effects of technology on social isolation. Furthermore, it explores potential avenues for designing technologies that foster genuine connection and meaningful social interactions.

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