
ISSN 2063-5346
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Examining the Societal and Childhood Trauma Influences on Necrophilia in Bundy: An American Icon

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Megha M, Snehaja C, Silpa S
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.484


This research paper investigates the societal influence on individuals who develop necrophilic tendencies, using trauma theory as a framework for analysis. Focusing on the movie "Bundy: An American Icon" as a case study, we delve into the depiction of the notorious serial killer, Ted Bundy, and explore how societal factors may have played a role in shaping his deviant behavior. By examining the film's portrayal of Bundy's traumatic experiences and the subsequent development of necrophilic tendencies, this study aims to shed light on the complex interplay between individual psychology, societal influence, and deviant sexual behavior. By critically analyzing the movie and incorporating relevant literature on necrophilia, trauma theory, and sociocultural influences, this research paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the societal influence on necrophiles. Through this exploration, we hope to raise awareness about the complex relationship between individual psychopathology and external factors, highlighting the need for further research, prevention strategies, and intervention techniques to address the societal roots of necrophilic tendencies.

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