
ISSN 2063-5346
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The antimicrobial potency assessment of different extracts of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum)

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Sadhana Pradhan1 , Dr. Sachin Bhatt2
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.9.207


Interest in plant products is growing constantly in the pursuit of novel therapeutics and therapies for the treatment of disease. Microbial resistance makes finding new antibiotic alternatives an essential topic of research. Wheatgrass is one example of a plant product that is being studied pharmacologically (Triticum aestivum L). Wheat grass, one of the members of Poaceae family, has been considered for very efficient therapeutic drugs. It contains numerous nutrients, vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc, sodium, aluminium, calcium, magnesium, amino acids, and a significant amount of chlorophyll. These bioactive substances contribute to enhanced blood sugar control, increased haemoglobin production, and the removal of toxins from the body. There are many bioactive phytochemicals that have therapeutic potential, such as anti-thlassemia, anti-cancer, anti-ulcer, antioxidant, anti-arthritic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Wheat grass is also effective in treating a number of common health issues, including circulatory, skin, and dental issues. Current study was aimed at evaluation of antimicrobial properties of wheat grass extracts of different solvents (chloroform, methanol, and water extract) at various concentration. The extracts were assayed for antimicrobial activity using diffusion test and calculating zone of inhibition for each drug. All these extracts showed antibacterial activity against different microorganisms but Methanolic extracts have shown the maximum antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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