
ISSN 2063-5346
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The Degree of Divergence in the Poetry of Muhammad Al-Maghout

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Hind Ayoub Farhan Abd Al-Dulaimi, Prof. Dr. Aref Abd Sayel
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.637


The realistic experience that poetry carries requires that the elements of creativity be as much as it carries of content. Creativity is a reflection of the course of reality, and it casts its delusions on the poet himself. Realistic experience has influenced the displacement to have its degree through which its level is determined. Thus, the forum reveals the limits of artistic photography in the pot of creativity, and it bears the realistic experience. This study dealt with the degree of displacement in Al-Maghout poetry, and the study relied on the degree of displacement due to the effect of Al-Maghout's poetic experience on reality, and accordingly, the study depended on the three levels out of the four levels identified by Naim Al-Yafi, and these four levels are The first: the level whose language is close to zero in writing, and the vocabulary in it does not carry much semantics, as it comes directly without the trouble of understanding it. The second: the possible or acceptable level, which is the average level in its degree, and it is from it that poetry derives its poetics and literature. The third: the level in which the elements of culture and excitement appear; Its influence is represented by the structure of the text and the way it is received. Fourth: The remote or absurd impossible level, which represents a closed vision of the author that cannot be understood by the recipient.

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