
ISSN 2063-5346
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The Impact of covid19 pandemic on Women Micro Entrepreneurs at Tirupati District(rural)

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Dr.J. Katyayani 1,C. Chaitanya2
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.046


This study focuses on impact of covid19 on women owned micro firms in Tirupati District. Micro firms lead to women development and make them to be wholly involved in income generating activities. Elsewhere in the world women play a central role in family, community and social development. However, women often remain invisible and unheard. Women will balance the complexities of survival in extreme poverty. This article exhibits how micro business owners’ small farmers, street vendors, tailors, fancy shops, seasonal product and agriculture products etc., have been affected by covid 19. what are the major problems they faced like purchase, storage and availability of raw material, difficulty of finance, inability to deliver existing order etc. The collected data is analyzed using statistical method lick frequency and chi- square in SPSS.Insights and conclusions are drawn for women micro entrepreneurs by the covid pandemic. Secondary data is collected from government reports, industry associations, and research articles. The pandemic has had a profound impact on businesses, and micro enterprises. less aware of the financial schemes and provided by the central and state government by mean of loans and subsidies through various schemes. It is observed that the micro women entrepreneurs are mostly confining themselves to local market which limits their growth. Reduction of orders/ sales, Increased Difficulty of Financing, Inability to Deliver Existing Orders, Not availing extension of loan payment by govt, Difficulty Logistics and Upstream and Downstream supply chain disturbance.

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