
ISSN 2063-5346
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The Portrayal of War and its Effects on Characters in Ernest Hemingway's Works

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Dr. Jaydipkumar Devabhai Pandya
» doi: : 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si8.522


In this research paper, the portrayal of war and its effects on characters in Ernest Hemingway's works will be examined. Hemingway's unique and influential literary style captures the intense experiences and emotional turmoil faced by individuals during times of conflict. The analysis will focus on the exploration of his narrative techniques, character development, and themes related to war throughout his most celebrated novels, such as "A Farewell to Arms" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls." By dissecting these elements, the study aims to provide a deeper understanding of how war and its consequences shaped Hemingway's writing and ultimately contributed to his legacy as a literary giant.

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