
ISSN 2063-5346
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Title: " Bonds Beyond Vows: Unveiling India's Public Policy and Prenuptial Agreement"

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Ms. Neha Bhuraney Dr. Avinash Bhagi
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.001


In relation to Indian prenuptial agreements, the doctrine of public policy is the subject of this research paper's in-depth examination. It looks at the legal framework, case law, different points of view, and proposed changes related to prenuptial agreements. Taking into account the divergent perspectives on individual autonomy and societal interests, the paper investigates the role of public policy in determining the enforceability and validity of prenuptial agreements. It examines prenuptial agreements, the Indian legal system, cultural and social factors, and public opinion. In addition, the study investigates judicial precedents and case law to comprehend how public policy is implemented in the Indian context. In order to gain insight into international practices and potential reforms, comparative analysis is carried out. The paper proposes changes based on the analysis, such as making laws clearer, protecting vulnerable parties, and taking a balanced approach that protects people's autonomy while also addressing issues facing society. The research adds to the conversation about prenuptial agreements in India and gives policymakers, lawyers, and people who are thinking about using them useful insights.

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