
ISSN 2063-5346
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Surbhi Dharne, Akhter Husain, Vivek Amin, Abirami R, Subramanya Shetty
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.582


Tribology is the study of friction, wear, and lubrication of interacting surfaces in relative motion. While it is a field commonly associated with engineering and materials science, tribology also plays a role in orthodontics. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the correction of dental and facial irregularities. It involves the use of various appliances, such as braces, wires, and aligners, to move teeth into their desired positions. Tribology principles are relevant in orthodontics because the interaction between different components, such as brackets, archwires, and ligatures, can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of tooth movement. A review of various studies has showed that there is not a consistent trend in the frictional resistance shown by the various types of brackets. Also studies in wet environment show differences when artificial saliva and whole fresh human saliva is used. So a comparison of different studies should be made only after giving adequate weightage to the above said parameters. Plastic brackets have definitely staged a comeback in the front composite brackets after being side lined initially after their introduction, due to their inherent disadvantages of discolouration and deformation. The new generation of polycarbonate brackets, both the metal slotted and the fiber and ceramic reinforced ones, have definitely sorted out their earlier disadvantages, even though still much refinements are required in areas of metal slot- polycarbonate junction. Some studies have clearly pointed out this and might account for the increased frictional values noted in these metal slotted composite brackets. With an increasing demand for efficient esthetic brackets, refinements are bound to come and we can conclude that polycarbonate composite brackets are here to stay.

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