
ISSN 2063-5346
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M.Ravichandran1 , Kulanthaivel.G2 , Ulagamuthalvi.V3
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.504


Currently, a large number of cloud-based facilities are being prolonged to the network's edge, with the goal of reducing response time and bandwidth cost in application areas such as healthcare in smart cities. Smart health concepts use Internet related wearable device for e-monitoring and diagnostics in order to provide low-cost healthcare.The health care sector is being confronted with new issues as the amount of complexity of patient data grows day-by-day. A Smart Healthcare Monitoring (SHM) is required to make the health care structure smarter in order to preserve data and ensure confidentiality. An SHM is made up of various IoT devices, sensors, and actuators that gather and store statistics from the patient's physique. Cloud computing-based storage is the most frequent method for storing data in the SHM but it is very costly. To overcome this problem, fog computing is used to process the information close to the body device system, which minimises latency and enhances throughput. In this article, we proposed a protected service-oriented fog computing framework has been authenticated using a publicly available dataset. Fog computing uses privacy-preserving technique for securing data and solve the privacy concerns. The findings and discussions confirm the suggested architecture's suitability for SHM applications. The prototype was created utilising a use case and a sequence diagram. The test cases are taken from online repositories. In comparison to a similar technique, the proposed method's implementation, and security analysis display high encoded security and low energy consumption.

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