
ISSN 2063-5346
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Sunkavalli Akash, Sarikonda Srinivasaraju, Padala Naga Sri Sai Prasad Reddy, Nikhat Parveen
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.755


From ages, we are used to check climate every day to prepare our mind and schedule for some daily chores or planning to travel or anything we want to do. This may happen intentionally or unintentionally to check the weather. In the olden days people used to look at the sky and estimate the weather later on started to use instruments to predict the weather in a local place. Then arrived weather forecast in mobile phones. So weather forecast is also being developed and used widely by people every day. Checking everyday weather may help everyone to function their lives without disturbances like heavy rains or cool breezes etc. This is the reason we have chosen this topic to research as it is important for every individual’s daily living. In this paper we discussed about types of weather forecasting and different techniques to compute it also our main focus is on the algorithm we chose which is LSTM i.e. Long Short-Term Memory algorithm for an effective computation of weather forecast.

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