
ISSN 2063-5346
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Worldwide Sustainable Development Research on Social, Economic and Environmental Aspects of Civilization

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Dr. Jagriti Singh,Dr. Maani Dutt*,
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.427


Numerous positive changes have occurred since the Sustainable Development (SD) policies were followed. The policies have begun to be incorporated into national plans and schemes, and many have established coordination configurations to ensure that they are carried out in a consistent manner. Global research on sustainability and SD is reviewed in this paper. The philosophies of sustainability and SD are first defined. Following that, the literature-based aspects of SD and sustainability are emphasized in the paper. Additionally, the paper demonstrates the connection among sustainable development and sustainability. According to the findings of the paper, every part of the globe has developed few headway toward attaining great levels of SD. Nevertheless, the achievement of the region's SD policies is impacted by the unique challenges faced by each region. There are economic, institutional, structural, political and social aspects to these difficulties.

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