
ISSN 2063-5346
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Comparative evaluation of deparaffinization efficacy of kerosene, diluted lime water, refined sunflower oil and xylene

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Dr. Premika Sri V.L, Dr. Harini Priya A H, Dr. R. Sathish Muthukumar, Dr. Bhuvaneswari M.V, Dr. Sreeja. C
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si6.531


The primary objective of this study is to compare and correlate the deparaffinization efficiency of natural alternatives like kerosene, Diluted lime water, and refined sunflower oil and compare with routinely employed xylene for conventional hematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E) procedure by comparing their staining characteristics with xylene. Methodology: Twenty-five paraffin-embedded tissue blocks were retrieved from the department archives. Four sections of 4 um thickness were made from each block and were randomly deparaffinized using four different agents (Xylene, Kerosene, Diluted lime water, and refined sunflower oil) Slides were examined for their cellular architecture and quality of staining for deparaffinization. Each section was then evaluated and scored blindly by two oral pathologists based on the criteria. The results obtained were analyzed statistically using SPSS Software and statistically compared using Mean, Standard deviation, and Chi-square tests

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