
ISSN 2063-5346
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Design process and performance evaluation of Lithium ferro Phosphate battery for the application to transport sector

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Renugadevi R1,KanagamalligaS2, Rajalingam S3*, Parimala V4,Latha R5, Vasuki S 6
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.70


The transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) is gaining momentum as governments and industry players around the world prioritize reducing carbon emissions. The battery pack is one of the most critical components of an EV, and its design and development are key factors in achieving better performance, safety, and cost-effectiveness. This paper presents the design and development of a lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery pack for an electric vehicle. LiFePO4 batteries have gained popularity for their high energy density, long cycle life, and safety, making them excellent aspirant for EV applications. The paper highlights the design considerations, including the battery pack configuration, cell arrangement, and thermal management system.

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