
ISSN 2063-5346
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Empowering computer vision to visually impaired people for satisfactory movements through Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning with the help of nano-chemical concepts

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Dr. Suhasini V.K., Dr. K.N. Vijayakumar, Pavan Vilas Rayar, Dr. V. Venkataramanan, Dr. Pavithra G., Dr. T.C.Manjunath
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.si6.295


This paper deals with the empowering of vision to visually impaired people for satisfactory movements through Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning algorithms. Our research paper approaches on how Artificial Intelligence can enhance the regular life of the vision impaired individuals. They suffer a lot when they are submitted with unexpected situations which they might not be aware of. Visually impaired individuals face unique challenges in navigating and interacting with the world around them, which can lead to social exclusion and a reduced quality of life. Fortunately, advances in technology have made it possible for visually impaired individuals to live more independently and fully participate in society. For example, there are now a wide range of assistive technologies available that can help visually impaired individuals to access information in their surroundings. These can include text-to-speech software, braille displays, screen readers, and other tools that allow individuals to interact with digital and physical information in new ways. Additionally, there are many organizations and resources available that can provide training and support to visually impaired individuals who are seeking to live more independently. It is important to continue to develop and improve these technologies and resources in order to ensure that visually impaired individuals have equal access to information and opportunities. Additionally, society as a whole must work to become more inclusive and welcoming of individuals with disabilities, recognizing the value and contributions that they can make to our communities. With the help of the advanced technology such as object-detection, facial recognition, emotion recognition, currency recognition, web-automation, screen-reader and emergency calling features now the visually impaired can lead a life similar to a normal individual which in turn enables them to adapt and react to the environment in an effective manner. All the above-mentioned technologies are implemented through the use of machine learning, deep learning, speech-to-text and Selenium web automation frameworks.

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