
ISSN 2063-5346
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Enhancement of self-cleaning properties of soda-lime glass coated with graphene

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aDhivya Christo Anitha S, a Lakshmi V, b Mary Jenila R, c Angelin Thangakani J and cJohnson Raja S
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.135


Graphene-coated soda-lime glass was characterized by structural and optical investigation. The soda-lime glass with the graphene coating was formed by dip coating and graphene was synthesized using the Hummers modified method. The cycles for coatings were different (50&100 cycles). The structure, morphology, and optical characteristics of the synthesized samples were characterized by using XRD, FTIR, UV, SEM, and contact angle. Graphene particles were detected in the XRD spectrum. The FTIR spectroscopy technique is used to determine the functional group that seems to be present in the specimen. The morphology of the soda-lime glass coated with graphene was examined using SEM analysis. UV spectroscopy was utilized to measure the energy bandgap, and the bandgap for glass coated with graphene was slightly higher. The contact angle values of synthesized compounds were high compared with pure glass

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