
ISSN 2063-5346
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Antonitte Vinoline, S. Jerinrechal
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s2.373


Product recycling has a significant impact on today's sustainable business initiatives. The goal of this research is to improve the quality of the products by incorporating a sustainable recycling method into a production model for a manufacturing system that is not flawless and has a fixed proportion of recyclable damaged products. A preventive maintenance strategy is implemented to slow down the production system's degrading process and lessen its effect on the calibre of output items. Under different circumstances, the constant demand rate of defect free products are taken into account for production uptime, production downtime with positive inventory and production downtime with shortages. Using this concept, two cases are examined according to the production process. First case does not take recycling procedures whereas second case collects all substandard products before recycling them during the production downtime. This study seeks to determine the optimal quantity and reduce overall costs. In comparison to the first case, the production process that includes recycling under preventive maintenance yields a better result. To formulate the objective function by utilizing the standard optimization method, theoretical derivations have been constructed. Finally, numerical example and the future research's scope are provided. Finally, a numerical example is provided to verify the study and the direction for forthcoming research were suggested.

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