
ISSN 2063-5346
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Face-To-Face with AI and the Digital Revolution are the Global Financial Exchanges

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Dr.K.SandhyaRani,Dr. R. Dharmaprakash,S.SATHYA ,Naveenkumar Anbalagan
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.475


The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and the digital revolution has had a profound impact on global financial exchanges. This research paper explores the transformational effects of AI and digital technologies on face-to-face interactions within these exchanges. By analyzing the benefits, challenges, and implications of this shift, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role that AI and digitalization play in shaping the future of global financial exchanges. The findings of this study highlight the potential for increased efficiency, accessibility, and innovation, while also raising concerns regarding privacy, security, and ethical considerations.

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