
ISSN 2063-5346
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Influence of nutrient enrichment chemistry on species richness and IVI index of aquatic macrophytes: substantiation by Diversity Indices

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Rakhi Chahar1, Rana Mukherji2, Sukalyan Chakraborty3, Ravneet Chug1, Manishita Das Mukherji1 *
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.869


The water quality of Bandh Baretha an important freshwater dam is getting impacted by increase in nutrient content due anthropogenic activities conducted nearby. However, studies have not been conducted on how the nutrient chemistry is impacting the water body and the influence of the same on the divergent macrophyte population of this water body. For ascertaining this influence both water and macrophyte samples were collected seasonally from July 2021- April 2022, from three selected sites of the dam. The macrophytes importance value index (IVI), Carlson’s Trophic State Index (CTSI), Pearson’s Correlation Matrix and Diversity indices were calculated to substantiate the findings. The study found that as nutrients in the lake increased, so did the growth of invasive macrophytes, whose leaves frequently covered the lake's surface leading to degradation of water quality. The increase in the nutrient content is alarming and the authorities and local bodies must work out measures limiting the degradation of the water body.

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